Hosted by Kerstin Kaufmann (HU)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hedrich
Universität Würzburg - Department of Molecular Plant-Physiology and Biophysics
Rainer Hedrich is professor at the Universität Würzburg and head of the Molecular Plant Physiology & Biophysics Group. As a pioneer in the biology of plant ion channels, he introduced the patch clamp technique into the plant field by demonstrating for the first time the existence of plant ion channels. This discovery resulted in the elucidation of the structure-function relationships of plant ion channels, established the key role of ion channels in plants, and inspired the formation of a new research field, which is part of today’s plant biology text books.
The Molecular Plant Physiology & Biophysics Group made major contributions to uncover the functions of plant ion channels, co-transporters and pumps and showed crucial functions of these proteins for plant physiology and development. Using physiological and molecular-genetic analysis they revealed the voltage and pH sensor of plant potassium channels, uncovered their selectivity filters, demonstrated the interaction sites of important components to channel proteins and studied subsequent signaling events. They succeeded in reconstitution of the fast ABA signaling pathway of guard cells from receptor to anion channels activation, via protein phosphorylation, by using a drought stress protein kinase/phosphatase pair. Besides of basic research, the Molecular Plant Physiology & Biophysics Group also contributed to the development of new model systems by elucidating the molecular basis of plant adaptation to dry, hot, and saline environments. Recently the Hedrich Lab has shown that the carnivorous Venus flytrap is able to count electrical impulses, which is another exciting discovery by the research group.
Rainer gave a talk about 'Using Ion channel-based optogenetics to study membrane transport and remote controlling plant action and development'.

On December 11th, we were delighted to welcome Rainer Hedrich, who brought a little light into this cloudy day. Among the attentive listeners, we also encountered Peter Hegemann, who had to put up with a birthday serenade from everyone. In this cosy atmosphere, we didn't have to wait long for Rainer Hedrich to start his lecture. Although he is retired, he is still very active in the scientific community - luckily for us - as this made this encounter possible.
During his time as a PhD student, Rainer Hedrich was able to introduce the patch-clamp technique - previously limited to the application in neurons and muscles - to the plant field. This achievement demonstrated the existence of plant ion channels for the first time, breaking the present dogma that ion channels only exist in neurons and muscles! Subsequently, other groups showed that ion channels also exist in yeast cells and even in bacteria, proving their ubiquity rather than organism or cell type specificity.
His discovery not only laid the foundation for his further career and also led to the development of a new field of research - (plant) ion channel biology. To close the circle, another groundbreaking discovery must be mentioned at this point, which is attributable to Peter Hegemann himself. And that is the discovery of channelrhodopsin in algae, a type of ion channels that is regulated by light and can thus serve as a light sensor. This finding created another new scientific field, called optogenetics, where the biological functions of a cell, group of cells, tissues, or organs are precisely controlled and monitored with high temporal and spatial resolution the the application of light. Recently, Rainer Hedrich integrated the fascinating methodology of optogenetics into his field of passion, resulting in numerous interesting findings, which he shared with us during his talk.
We were immensely pleased to welcome Rainer Hedrich as our guest and are very grateful for his broad knowledge and scientific thinking and the exchange that his visit enabled us to have with him, but also with each other.