Travel grants

As science thrives on exchange of knowledge and cooperation between scientists, the IZ LIST wants to facilitate the national and international mobility of Master students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral scientists of IZ LIST members by providing travel grants for short-term research stays and essential conferences. If you would like to apply for a travel grant we need the following:
Before your research stay/conference:
- Fill out application form in German or English (works best with Adobe Acrobat).
- Compose a letter of motivation, which describes why you want to visit this particular group/conference, which expences you expect and how it is linked to the IZ LIST.
After your research stay/conference:
- Write a short report on your stay, which includes your objectives and outcomes of your research stay/conference. We would like to publish this report (or parts of it) here on our website, to provide information and inspiration for future interested applicants.
Awarded travel grants

Nikiforos Drakoulis
Biology (Schmitz-Linneweber)
Research stay in the laboratory of Ross Waller at the University of Cambridge, UK

Caroline Kühne
Biology (Erhardt)
EMBL Course - 'Imaging down to single-molecule resolution: STED & MINFLUX nanoscopy' in Heidelberg

Emilio Villar Alegria
Thaer (Chen)
3rd International Wheat Congress in Perth and Borrell Lab at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia

Daniela Hacker
Biology (Mikhaylova)
Research stay in the laboratory of Timo Zimmermann at the EMBL Imaging Center in Heidelberg

Alina Podschun
Psychology (Markett)
2024 Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Seoul, South Korea

Frederick Saulich
Biology (Schmitz-Linneweber)

Thomas Böddeker
Biology (Knorr)
Physiology Summer School at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA