4th Insi(ght)de LIST Seminar (2023)
24th October 2023 - Maud-Menten-Saal (Campus Nord)
The Insi(ght)de LIST Seminar serves the scientific exchange between the LIST members. As an interdisciplinary center, our groups come from very different areas and in some cases have had few opportunities to interact. Therefore, the initial aim of this seminar series is to introduce and get to know the different and diverse research interests and the existing variety of methods. This exchange will provide the basis for identifying possible interdisciplinary collaborations.
For this meeting, we wanted a more interactive exchange. We therefore organized a science 'Speed Dating' event in which the participants had about 6 minutes to exchange ideas in pairs or small groups. This event was successful in showing our members potential cooperation partners with whom further discussions would be worthwhile. In addition, the informal atmosphere quickly resulted in people getting to know each other on a personal level. You can get an impression of the meeting in the picture gallery below.
We also took the opportunity to take pictures of the participants for our website. Check out the profiles of our Principal Investigators to have a look at how they turned out!