Spatial SLAM-seq - the slam dunk of RNA Profiling!
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) is a molecule essential for life, as it plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, carrying the genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, the cell's protein-making machinery. The precise localization of RNA within cells is essential for cellular function, especially in neurons. This localization allows for the targeted regulation of protein synthesis at specific sites, influencing processes like neuronal development and synaptic plasticity. SLAM-seq is a powerful approach for measuring RNA stability. As this methods provides a global view of RNA dynamics, compartment-specific differences are often overlooked. In their mRNA Decay Chapter 'Concurrent Profiling of Localized Transcriptome and RNA Dynamics in Neurons by Spatial SLAMseq' Marina Chekulaeva and Sayaka Dantsuji describe their advanced version spacial SLAMseq which combines traditional SLAMseq with subcellular compartment separation techniques. A must-read for all RNA and/or neuro-enthusiasts!
The asymmetric distribution of RNA within a cell plays a pivotal biological role, ensuring the distinctive shapes and functionality of subcellular compartments. In neurons, these mechanisms are fundamental to cellular growth, synaptic plasticity, and information processing. To understand these mechanisms, diverse methods have been developed to analyze localized transcripts. Here, we outline our optimized method for measurement of mRNA half-lives in subcellular neuronal compartments-neurites, and cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of cell bodies. We call this method spatial SLAMseq, as it combines SLAMseq with subcellular compartment separation techniques. Spatial SLAMseq facilitates the concurrent measurement of mRNA dynamics and steady-state RNA levels within neuronal subcellular compartments.